Conflict Brews Over Sandpiper Pipeline (w/ Interview)
We talk to Dustin S. who witnessed the Enbridge eminent domain trial in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Enbridge has being trying to get an easement from Jame’s & Krista Botsford to run an 20 inch oil pipeline called the Sandpiper through their land. The Botsford’s have been trying to get a jury trial to decide the settlement amount. The Judge quickly sided with Enbridge, and the Botsfords were forced to settle at a smaller amount than Enbridge had previously offered them. They intend to take the case to the North Dakota Supreme court next.
Enbridge continues to push forward on the Sandpiper pipeline that will port Bakken light crude to Superior Wisconsin. The pipeline width begins as 20 inches but increases at Enbridge’s Clearbrook tanker station to 30 inches. Many believe that the Sandpiper will also be used to move Tar Sands oil from Alberta. The Botsfords are not alone in their resistance to the pipeline and many indigenous communities along Minnesota’s rice lakes plan to use their treaty rights to also stop the pipeline.