Ogden Street Nazis Exposed In Denver’s Capitol Hill Neighborhood
Denver, CO – Capitol Hill residents discovered fliers last week, tucked into their car windshields and posted throughout the Denver neighborhood, alerting them to white supremacists living nearby with warnings to “please be aware and stay safe”.

We spoke with one resident who received a flier.
“You know, it was an icky feeling and good feeling. Icky that white supremacists are living so close and good that someone is doing something about it. It’s a public service announcement.” – Capitol Hill resident
On November 16th, a transgender woman’s car was vandalized In the Capitol Hill neighborhood. The Gazette reports “Among the messages painted on her car were: “fag,” “die he she”, “tranny,” and “Trump.” A swastika was painted on the back tailgate.”
Colorado, as well as the rest of the country, has been experiencing an elevated level of hate crimes since the election. Locals, in not only Capitol Hill neighborhood, but other regions of the Denver metro area, have also confirmed to Unicorn Riot, as well as other media outlets, that racially motivated attacks on their friends and family have occurred.
CBS4’s Rick Sallinger “was invited into the home of those on the flier. He asked one if he is a white supremacist. He said he does not discuss his politics, but on his arm is a tattoo of what appears to be swastika.”
Scott Levin, the regional director of the The Anti-Defamation League, also confirmed to CBS4 that “There are some individuals that who appeared on the flier that are members of the Hammerskins group — a white supremacist group.”
Rocky Mountain Antifa is a local blog that describes themselves as: “a crew of dedicated antifascists operating in Colorado. We are dedicated to confronting and fighting fascism, racism, and oppression in the Rocky Mountain region. We have no formal membership or organizational structure.” They recently published a post describing, at length, details about the residents of this location, however they do not know who distributed the fliers.
We reached out to Rocky Mountain Antifa via the email address listed on their website and received the following statement:
“This article received more views than any other post. It’s good to see that so many in Cap Hill are standing up to defend their neighborhood from hateful attacks.” – Rocky Mountain Antifa
We also asked Rocky Mountain Antifa what they think of a facebook page recently created, called Rocky Mountain Anti-Antifa, that appears to be created by members of the Ogden Street nazis; their response: “It’s pathetic.”
While CBS4 cited that they were blurring out the faces of the alleged white supremacists because threats had been made against them, the individuals themselves have posted the flier on the Anti-Antifa facebook page with the caption “Another attempt to run us out. It will only make us stronger”. Shane “Choppy” McCampbell seems to have taken a selfie in front of one of the fliers posted in a neighborhood store window.

ABC7 did show the faces in the flyer in their report, however “Choppy” declined to give them an interview. ABC 7’s Mark Boyle goes on to report that “Some store owners tell Denver7 they plan to ban the group from their establishments, leaving them with virtually nowhere to go, in hopes they’ll leave on their own.”
Unicorn Riot was able to obtain a statement from someone who works in Capitol Hill who requested not to have their name included.
“They came into my workplace before I got there…as I walked in I passed them and right away told my co-worker…some of them has already been served and I refused to serve them myself…then we jammed Public Enemy at max volume until they split. I panicked because I didn’t want them to try to and get comfortable at this place seeing as they have been 86’d from almost every place on Colfax. It also cannot be overstated that WE DO NOT CONDONE THEM OR THEIR ACTIONS OR BELIEFS IN ANY WAY! I’m happy these guys are getting some heat now!” – Worker at Capitol Hill business
“Choppy” expressed excitement at the possibility of upcoming public attention in comments made on a previous Rocky Mountain Antifa blog post about Sacramento nazis in Colorado.
However, it appears that the media exposure, as well as the fliers being distributed, have caused him to be fired from his job.
Community organizing and self-defense training classes with the intent to protect against the threat of fascist attacks are continuing to ramp up in Denver. Unicorn Riot will continue to bring you updates.
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