Neo-Nazi William Planer Arrested After Vandalizing Synagogue
Colorado Springs, CO – Neo-Nazi William Planer is currently in the custody of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office after being arrested on misdemeanor charges stemming from the vandalism of a local synagogue. Surveillance video from around 1:30 AM on June 10 shows Planer and an accomplice outside the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center. They left a sticker on the door which said “Fight Terror, Nuke Israel.”
Rabbi Moshe Liberow called the use of the anti-semitic sticker an “act of cowardice” and said that while the local community was shocked, the Jewish Center had not stopped holding services.

Planer, who has previous convictions on robbery and firearms charges, has served multiple sentences in prison, and is a double felon. He is currently in jail in Colorado Springs with a $500,000 bond and a hold as a fugitive from justice on a felony warrant for charges he faces in California. Planer is implicated in stabbings of anti-fascist protesters who clashed with white supremacists during a June 2016 Nazi rally in Sacramento, CA. He was also in attendance at a neo-Nazi rally held by the Traditionalist Worker Party and National Socialist Movement in Pikeville, Kentucky on April 29 of this year.
A Denver resident, William Planer has also appeared at various pro-Trump and white supremacist events in Colorado. He is accused, along with local Nazi Shane ‘Choppy’ McCampbell, of taking part in a racially motivated beating of a Denver couple last year. On June 3 of this year, he was seen at the white supremacist “Proud Boys” rally in Boulder, CO wearing a “proud to be fascist” t-shirt.

On June 10, Planer and his associate Joshua Yeakel showed up to the Denver ‘March Against Sharia’ with a small group of white supremacists bearing ‘crusader’ flags and various weapons.

Planer and Yeakel’s group was eventually ejected from the official ‘March Against Sharia’ event. After police ordered them to leave, they were confronted by local antifascists and William Planer pulled a knife.

State Troopers then detained both Planer and Yeakel on the capitol grounds for several minutes, eventually releasing them without charges.
Both William Planer and Joshua Yeakel are known for making racist and anti-semitic posts on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, which often serves as a planning hub for white supremacist harassment campaigns.
Daily Stormer owner and administrator Andrew Anglin is currently being sued in federal court by the Southern Poverty Law Center for orchestrating an anti-semitic campaign of bullying and death threats against a Jewish woman accused of attacking neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. Anglin, who once wrote “the goal is to ethnically cleanse White nations of non-Whites,” is reportedly hiding to avoid the lawsuit and is fundraising online for his defense.
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