Unicorn Riot heard from Chairwoman Christine Nijmeh of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe who said the State of California tried to erase her people, in particular when the first governor of California declared a “war of extermination” on Native Americans in 1850 and paid bounties of “5 dollars a scalp.” She also said that the Trail of Truth is about “sharing Muwekma Ohlone’s story across Turtle Island with all our relatives, and at the same time sharing our struggles that we face today with the federal government.”
One demand of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe is fixing the BIA federal acknowledgment process — taking it out of the BIA’s hands and assigning a committee to carry it out. They say the “process is broken,” citing how recognized tribes don’t want to take away a piece of the pie. “We should not be fighting over a piece of the pie; we should be united together to make the pie bigger so that we all benefit.”
Full story in link below.