🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 25

Ep. 25: #DronePapers #StLouis #WhoIsBurningBlackChurches #CoreyJones #BlackLivesMatter #ToroDeLaVega #Anonymous #LibertadHactivistas #Hambach #Germany #Xenophobia #RefugeeCrisis #FortressEurope #Palestine #FeesMustFall #NationalShutDown #BaltimoreUprising

After the rundown and music video, we had the pleasure to speak with Ralikh Hayes of Baltimore Bloc, an organizing collective in Baltimore.
Deprogram is a…

🦄 Community, Eco, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 14

Ep. 14: #BaltimoreUprising #UFED #JadeHelm #KillerRobots #AI #AutonomousWeapons #RNC2012 #Netzpolitik #TPP #AgGag #Calais #Eurotunnel #MillionMaskMarch #Turkey #PuertoRicoDefault #JimmyCarter #Oligarchy #Soudelor #sHellNo #Windows10 #SandraBland

INTERVIEW 1: Elizabeth Mount #sHellNo

INTERVIEW 2: @AlienA23P #Windows10

After our interviews, we showed two new Unicorn Riot videos from…