🦄 Community, Police

The Mothers Podcast Episode 6

Kimberly Davis is a part of a national organization (P.O.S.T.) that is mobilizing families all across the country who have lost a loved one to police. Her motivation stems from her own loss. In Ohio, Kimberly’s 20-year-old son Kimoni Davis was killed during a high…

🦄 Community, Police

The Mothers Podcast Episode 3

Featured in episode 3 of The Mothers Podcast is Yolanda McNair, the mother of Adaisha Miller who was killed in 2012 by off-duty Detroit Police Officer Issac Parrish while at his home during a party. Since 2012, at least 500 women have been reported as…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Patriot Front Fascist Leak Exposes Nationwide Racist Campaigns

The detailed inner workings and operations of neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front have come to light after a massive leak from their chat servers. The exposed communications show coordination with their leader Thomas Rousseau to deface murals and monuments to Black lives across the United States,…

🦄 Social Control

Protesters Demand Elections Remain Untampered Across United States

Protests that took place across the country on November 4 were specifically demanding that the United States uphold democratic elections, but also generally demanding that the fight for social progress not waver even if Joe Biden unseats incumbent Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential election.

🦄 Community

Detroit Coalition Pursues Justice for Illegally Foreclosed Families

Detroit, MI – On June 14, 2018, Unicorn Riot was live from a press conference held near the new home of Sonja Bonnett’s family. The community was celebrating both Bonnett’s returning to home ownership after her previous home was foreclosed and seized, as well as…