🦄 Arts & Culture, Global

Syrians Facing Expulsions at Home and Abroad

Over the last two years, the persecution of Syrian refugees in Lebanon has increased to terrifying levels. Whether due to violent rhetoric from the state or political parties, or direct assaults by petty militiamen, the safety of all Syrians in Lebanon is imperiled. 

With mainstream…

🦄 Arts & Culture, Global

‘Zaghrouda’ in the Midst of the Sudan War

Since April 15, 2023 war has been raging across Sudan — a war waged by two generals who formerly collaborated to crush the December Revolution, which started in late 2018. Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, Head of the Sudanese Army (SAF), has fought a brutal campaign against the…

🦄 Global, Social Control

Starving Palestinians in Gaza Scramble for Aid Drops

Gaza Strip, Palestine — The whole population of the Gaza Strip – over two million residents – is now facing starvation from the Israeli military bombardment, blockade and siege on Gaza. As the Israeli military and far-right Zionist settlers block aid shipments bound for destroyed…