🦄 Prison

Be Their Voices Presser: ‘No More Jail Deaths!’

St. Paul, MN — Five years after losing her son Hardel Sherrell to medical malpractice and improper care while in a Minnesota jail, Del Shea Perry leads another protest against in-custody deaths. At least 15 people have died this year while inside Minnesota jails and…

🦄 Labor, Prison

Report: Prisoners Strike at Oak Park Heights Canteen

Oak Park Heights, MN — Just days after prisoners at the Stillwater prison staged civil disobedience actions by refusing a staff lockdown, incarcerated workers at the nearby ‘level 5’ MCF-Oak Park Heights prison canteen have staged a work strike, according to activists who regularly stay…

🦄 Prison

Prisoners Face Retaliation for Protest at MCF-Stillwater

Bayport, MN — Those incarcerated in the B East living unit at MCF-Stillwater are suffering retribution a week after over 100 prisoners practiced an act of civil disobedience by refusing to go to their cells for a staff-induced lockdown. An email sent to the media…

🦄 Police

Found Dead Following Police Encounter, Justin Teigen Remembered

A newly released Unicorn Riot video highlights the final moments of 24-year-old Justin Teigen’s life and features an interview with one of Teigen’s best friends who was perhaps the last person to see him alive. In 2009, Teigen, a father of one, was found dead…