Ep 12: #SandraBland #WhatHappenedToSandraBland #SayHerName #KindraChapman #SamDubose #ColumbiaSC #KKK #MassGraves #WesleyClark #ClimateChange #ProtectOakFlat #SuruçtaKatliamVar #Suruç #Ostula #Michoacan #Mexico #Ukraine #AnonDown #OpAnonDown #Anonymous #DefendDenver #PaulCastaway
#WhatHappenedToSandraBland #SayHerName #SandraBland | Sandra Bland, a twenty eight year old Illinois woman, on her way to a job interview at her alma mater Prairie View A&M was accosted and pulled out of her car by a police officer in Waller County Texas during a traffic stop. Two days later she was deceased in custody. Videos have been released of the traffic stop and when an officer found her in her jail cell. Her death went from being classified as a suicide to now being called a murder.
#KindraChapman | On Tuesday, July 16th, Kindra Chapman, an eighteen year old Alabama resident was booked into Homewood City Jail, a suburb of Birmingham, on an alleged robbery charge. Within an hour and a half of her detainment she was deceased of an alleged suicide attempt. Protests calling for disclosure of all information related to her time in custody are ongoing and on the 21st of July, 6 protestors were arrested for blocking traffic.
#SamDubose #SamuelDubose | Samuel Dubose, a 43 year old Cinncinati man was shot in the head by University of Cincinnati campus police during a traffic stop. University of Cincinnati Officer Ray Tensing tussled with Sam through his window and as Sam attempted to drive away, Ofcr. Tensing shot him in the head.
#ColumbiaSC #KKK | July 18th, 2015 a pro confederate flag rally called by members of the Ku Klux Klan & supported by members of the National Socialist Movement, marched on the South Carolina State House. African-American activists & allies gathered to oppose the white nationalist members. Scuffles ensued as the pro confederate flag supporters were met with resistance by the much larger opposition group.
#MassGraves | Mass graves have been found in along the Texas/Mexico border. U.S. Border Patrol has been dumping bodies found along the border into mass graves, some as close to the ground level as 4 inches. Some of the bodies thrown away in garbage bags, some with no cover at all. The Texas government claims there was no wrong doing.
#WesleyClark | Former NATO Commander and Democratic Presidential candidate has called for the internment of “radicalised” Americans during an interview on MSNBC.
#ClimateChange | A recent Climate report called the “State of the Climate in 2014” warned that ocean warming will continue even if carbon emissions were pulled to zero overnight for least another 100 years. Also, in July 2015 climate news, former Lead Climate Scientist James Hansen warned that the melting of Greenland & Antarctica will be 10x faster than previously calculated, oceans once predicted to rise 4 feet in 100 years, are now, according to Hansen’s study, suggested to have a 10 feet sea level rise in about 50 years.
#ProtectOakFlat | Apache Stronghold’s convoy reached Washington DC to raise awareness of the sacred land stolen and given to Resolution copper mine in the 2014 NDAA bill.
#SuruçtaKatliamVar #Suruç | Horrible news on the heels of the 3 year anniversary of the Rojava Revolution comes as 32 members of the Socialist Federation of Youth Associations (SGDF) were killed in a suicide bomb attack. They were having a press conference announcing their trip to Kobane to help rebuild the liberated zone after an ISIL (Islamic State) attack last month.
#Ostula #Michoacan #Mexico | Leader of the local autodefensas group, Semeí Verdía, was abducted in the village of La Placita on Sunday by the Mexican military in coordinated attacks on autodefensas groups. Villagers protested and the Mexican military opened fire wounding 2 and killing 2, a 12 year old child and a 6 year old child.
#Ukraine | After creating checkpoints and marching into Kiev, the ultra nationalist paramilitary group the Right Sector has called for a referendum that will impeach the sitting President.
#AnonDown #OpAnonDown #Anonymous | Forty eight year old James McIntyre was murdered by RCMP in British Columbia after being mistaken for a suspect during a police call. #OpAnonDown was established by #Anonymous attacked websites affiliated with law enforcement throughout so-called Canada.
#DefendDenver #PaulCastaway | In the wake of the Paul Castaway murder at the hands of the Denver Police Department the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police tweeted that the family and friends of Paul Castaway protesting his death were “a gaggle of clowns”.
We were joined by Unicorn Riot producer Pat, who was targeted, assaulted, and arrested by Denver Police for covering a protest at the Police Chiefs meeting.
We had a great edition and our fifth installment of our special International Report.
“Deprogram”, a live show hosted by Zo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the struggles that preside throughout different communities.