Utah Land Defenders Resist Construction of Tar Sands Mine (w/ Interview)
Lorenzo Serna of Unicorn Riot talked to Melanie Martin over the phone about land defenders who blockaded an active tar sands mine site in the Book Cliffs of Utah on Monday (August 10, 2015). Climbing atop metal tripods, they stopped work at the mine, successfully shutting down the site for the better part of the work day. The action resulted in four arrests including a medic. One individual locked down to a cherry picker as it was on its way from the first tripod to the second.
“the protesters were taking a stand against the violence tar sands mining enacts on our bodies and on whole ecosystems, from the Book Cliffs to the vast area of the Colorado River watershed.” – Melanie
The action included dozens of activists and is part of an ongoing campaign against the tar sands mines construction. The action coincided with an 17.8 percent drop in US Oil Sands stock according to Peaceful Uprising.
Photo: DAM Collective
Photo: DAM Collective