Revolution in Every Country Comic Series: Episode 3 – Lebanon: On the Necessity of Intersectionality
A series of comics on revolutionary movements, events, and ideas in the SWANA region.
Lebanon — Starting on October 17, 2019, an unprecedented revolutionary wave swept through Lebanon which radically altered the political, social, and psychological landscape of the country and its peoples. Although few key demands were met and the movements were crushed by numerous forces, the uprisings were a turning point in collective understandings of sectarianism, capitalism, and patriarchy.
This episode of Revolution in Every Country looks at lessons learned from the Oct. 17 uprisings, focusing on how intersectionality can serve as a tool in any revolutionary context to both understand power and organize to seize it. See our included list of additional materials for more context.
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Further Readings/Viewings/Listening
- A History of Modern Lebanon – Fawwaz Traboulsi
- The Lebanon Uprising of 2019: Voices from the Revolution – Jeffrey Karam and Rima Majed
- Arab Marxism and National Liberation: Selected Writings of Mahdi Amel – Hicham Safieddine
- Lebanon: A Revolution against Sectarianism – Crimethinc – Joey Ayoub
- It Felt Like Love – New Lines Magazine – Lina Mounzer
- The Lebanese Revolution: A New Chapter of Kafala Misery – The Public Source – Banshee Yimer
- The Great Lebanese Ponzi Scheme – New York Times – Lina Mounzer
- Intersectionality – Haki Nasawi hosted by Sarah Kaddoura
- Lebanon’s Deep Crisis Explained – The Fire These Times with Timor Azhari
- Evaporated Euphoria: the Current Crises in Lebanon – The Fire These Times with Lara Bitar
- Workers and unions – Lebanese Politics Podcast with Lea Bou Khater
- Oct 17 Uprising: Writings from the Revolution – Rima Majed + Jeffery Karam
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About this Comic Series:
Revolution in every country (ثورة بكل البلدان) is the name of a chant that was sung during the Lebanese uprisings in 2019. It was a chant of solidarity with communities in the SWANA region (South West Asian/ North African) and around the globe that were/are resisting their own oppressive regimes. The chant was rooted in the understanding that we, as people with revolutionary demands, have so much to learn from different revolutionary struggles, especially those happening concurrently: whether it’s learning how to build strong communities or learning how to turn off tear gas.
This comics series covers inspiring revolutionary movements, events, ideas, and the frontline communities that are almost always erased in macro-level geopolitical analyses. The comics are both educational and accessible, and each comic is accompanied by a list of relevant books, podcasts, and/or documentaries on the topics discussed.
Episode 1: Syria: Erasing an Inconvenient Revolution (June 5, 2022)
Episode 2: Sudan: Building Power from Below (Oct. 25, 2022)
View All Episodes
Artist Bios:
Ayman Makarem is a Lebanese writer primarily interested in the intersection of the personal and the political.
Hisham Rifai is a Lebanese artist and illustrator. He is currently based in Antwerp, Belgium completing an advanced master’s in research in arts and design. His work aims to combine political urgency with artistic practices.
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