New Documentary on Late Sixties Civil Unrest is a ‘Rosetta Stone’ for Decoding the Modern Day Police State

In the late 60’s, the American police state opened a Pandora’s Box of lurid paranoia, laying the groundwork for decades of authoritarian control in order to clamp the lid shut on the near- revolutions of 1967-68. This history featured in the new documentary “Riotsville USA” suggests that the increasing authority police gifted themselves may ultimately be a curse on society.

Icebreaker Pt 3 – Confidential Homeland Security Fugitive and Compliance Enforcement Handbooks

Unicorn Riot obtained confidential Department of Homeland Security manuals showing how DHS’s largest investigative arm, Homeland Security Investigations, advised its agents to conduct their operations. Part 3 of the Icebreaker series turns to the “Compliance Enforcement Investigations” and “Fugitives” handbooks, ICE/HSI manuals that lay out…

Identity Evropa, Rebranded: Six Months Later

Harper’s Ferry, WV – Identity Evropa, the alt-right neo-nazi group behind the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, renamed itself the American Identity Movement earlier this year. Now, more than half a year after the group attempted to redefine its name and image, we examine…

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