🦄 Uncategorized

From Juneteenth in Minneapolis to Jawnteenth in Philadelphia

Minneapolis, MN – The historic movement for Black lives that has recently permeated the globe reinvigorated 2020’s Juneteenth celebrations. On June 19, 2020, Unicorn Riot reporters documented from two of these celebrations; ‘Jawnteenth’ in West Philadelphia and a celebration in North Minneapolis at a Cub…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right
image: South Philly residents confront anti-racist community members, one of whom has a sign "Fuck Columbus." A man is gesturing at her with a bat. Above the scene is a yellow bar with date & location, Philadelphia, June 13 - 14, 2020. In the background as a composite, a crowd is gathered around the Columbus statue in Marconi Plaza in South Philly.

Columbus Statue Focal Point for South Philly Right-Wingers

Philadelphia, PA – Marconi Plaza has served as the gathering site for right-wing South Philly residents this past weekend. Members of the crowd were predominantly of Italian-American heritage, reflecting the ethnic composition and culture of some of the surrounding neighborhoods.

Two weeks ago the city…

🦄 COVID-19

Philly Mayor and Judges Pressured To Release Inmates From Jail

Philadelphia, PA – For the second time in a week, protesters have converged on city hall. They are demanding that Mayor Jim Kenney and judges in the First Judicial District move to immediately release prisoners from Philadelphia jails to avoid COVID–19 outbreaks. Several prisoners in…