🦄 Global, Protest & Direct Action

Palestine Can’t Afford Silence

"Showing blatant disregard for international law (and backed by the United States), Israel has continued to brutally slaughter Palestinians, not just in Gaza but also in the West Bank, which is not governed by Hamas. This indiscriminate killing of Palestinian people goes to show that this is an ethnic cleansing campaign, rather than self-defense, a fight against terrorism or a quest to recover kidnapped Israelis–all excuses Israel has used for its actions." - A commentary by Adnan Ahmed

🦄 Eco

“Eat the Children”: Decades of Far-Right LaRouche Provocations Renewed

New York City, NY – A disruptive comment about eating babies in order to avoid climate change during a Thursday town hall meeting with U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY14) was claimed by political action committee “LaRouche PAC“, a hub for far-right cult-like methods of organizing…