Ninth Annual Art Sled Rally in South Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MN – Today, an unusually warm and rainy Saturday in late January, South Minneapolis’s own Powderhorn Park hosted hundreds of community members who both participated in and watched the 9th Annual Art Sled Rally.
Hilarity ensued.
Ninth Annual Art Sled Rally in South Minneapolis from Unicorn Riot on Vimeo.
LOL! – Watch the Art Sled Rally in Southside #Minneapolis LIVE: #Community #Arts
— Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) January 30, 2016
From the “Ninth Annual Art Sled Rally!!” Event Page:
The Annual Art Sled Rally, a fun-filled spectacle in Powderhorn Park produced by the South Sixteenth Hijinks. All ages can work with a cadre of artists to make and adapt sleds and sled-like art objects. Bundle up and enjoy the amazingly creative crafts and clever emcees at this popular event. South Sixteenth High Jinks is a group of artists and neighborhood residents seeking to enrich the spirit of community life in Powderhorn through free public events with a focus on artistic expression and out-of-the-ordinary spectacle. The winter-fantasy-art-sport of the year! Create your own contraption to slide amongst a throng of cheering spectators or bundle up and cheer on the insane creations with a group of friends or family. Microphone commanders this year are Pablo Jones, Leigh Combs, and Julian McFaul.
An art sled is defined as anything built to slide down a snowy slope in the most ingenious, outrageous or artistic way: Double-deck sleds, outrigger sleds, monster sleds, sleds shaped like beasts or vehicles, sleds with built-in special effects, dinner party sleds, winged sleds, snake-linked sleds, sleds that hop, jump or go uphill; rampant creativity is encouraged!

In case you missed this roughly 2-hr event in South Minneapolis, or couldn’t be there, Unicorn Riot was livestreaming.
Full live stream recording below: