French Police Kill Teen During Traffic Stop, Leading to Mass Revolt

A month before Minnesota law enforcement fatally shot Ricky Cobb II during a traffic stop, police in France killed an Algerian teenager during a similar stop leading to a mass revolt across the country against anti-Black racism. An alarming pattern of deadly traffic stops in…

Report: Prisoners Strike at Oak Park Heights Canteen

Oak Park Heights, MN — Just days after prisoners at the Stillwater prison staged civil disobedience actions by refusing a staff lockdown, incarcerated workers at the nearby ‘level 5’ MCF-Oak Park Heights prison canteen have staged a work strike, according to activists who regularly stay…

Published September 14, 2023

FBI Labels Anti-Fascists and Anti-Racists as Violent Extremists

A recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document titled “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide”* links common protest symbols to “terrorism” — another marker in a common theme of conflating militant protest for social justice with deadly terrorist violence within the United States. Groups like the…

Published November 22, 2023

From Juneteenth in Minneapolis to Jawnteenth in Philadelphia

Minneapolis, MN – The historic movement for Black lives that has recently permeated the globe reinvigorated 2020’s Juneteenth celebrations. On June 19, 2020, Unicorn Riot reporters documented from two of these celebrations; ‘Jawnteenth’ in West Philadelphia and a celebration in North Minneapolis at a Cub…

March for Justice Challenges Back the Blue in Minneapolis Suburb

Bloomington, MN – Small shoving matches broke out as hundreds on a ‘March for Justice’ demo walked past a ‘Back the Blue’ rally at Bloomington’s Civic Center on July 25. Some pushed, some swore, some threatened, and others watched small groups of people on both…

Published July 27, 2020

Minneapolis Police Sweep West Powderhorn Encampment, Pepper Spray Defenders

Minneapolis, MN – On August 14, 2020, Minneapolis Police along with the Park Police pepper sprayed houseless advocates while doing a sweep of the West Powderhorn Sanctuary tent encampment. Tents were bulldozed in scenes reminiscent of July 20 clearing of East Powderhorn.

Hours before severe…

Published August 15, 2020

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