🦄 Eco

Denver Earth Day Celebration Centers Line 3 Pipeline

Denver, CO – On the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, water protectors and activists gathered at the Colorado State Capitol to shine light on the Line 3 pipeline currently being built by Enbridge in northern Minnesota.

Since 2014, Canadian energy giant Enbridge has pushed to…

🦄 Eco

Appealing Line 3 Pipeline: Supply and Demand at Root of Hearing

Minneapolis, MN – Attorneys for multiple Indigenous tribes, environmental and Indigenous rights groups, and the Minnesota Department of Commerce made oral arguments on Tuesday, March 23, against the Line 3 pipeline approvals by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.

The Commission approved the second-to-last permit needed…

🦄 Community, Eco
Water Protectors holding banner that says, "We Are Treaty People."

Treaty Rights Asserted During Creation of White Earth Camp

White Earth Reservation, MN – On February 20, 2021, the White Earth Camp opened up as an additional Indigenous Women/Femme-led water protector community. On Sunday, February 21, the camp hosted a treaty rights action at a work site where oil giant Enbridge plans to bore…

🦄 Eco, Protest & Direct Action

Bipod and Car Blockade Jam Up Line 3 Construction

Savanna State Forest, MN – Before sunrise on Wednesday, February 24, three water protectors locked down to blockades on Loon Road. Loon Road is a main Line 3 pipeline construction access corridor connected to more than 12 active work sites.

A water protector named Rose…

🦄 Protest & Direct Action
Line 3 Pipeline lifted off the snowy ground by wooden pallets at dusk

Lockdown to Keep it in the Ground: Line 3 Resistance

Northern MN – Construction on the tar sands pipeline expansion project for Line 3 continues in Anishinaabe territory in below zero temperatures. Enbridge’s contracted companies, like Precision Pipeline, carve out the line’s pathway, fell any trees in the way, and lay the pipe in the…

🦄 Eco, Protest & Direct Action

Court of Appeals Denies Motion to Stop Line 3

St. Paul, MN – On February 2, the Minnesota Court of Appeals granted Enbridge the go-ahead to continue construction on the Line 3 pipeline. The ruling denied a lawsuit to stop construction made by the Red Lake Band of Chippewa, the White Earth Band of…

🦄 Eco, Protest & Direct Action

Opposition to Line 3 Mounts

Saint Paul, MN – Around 600 people gathered in St. Paul, Minnesota, on January 29, calling on President Biden to revoke permits for the Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline project. The protest billed as ‘Protect the Water, Revoke the Permits‘ started at Kellogg Park…