🦄 Tech

‘xz utils’ Software Backdoor Uncovered in Years-Long Hacking Plot

A fascinating but ominous software story dropped on Friday: a widely used file compression software package called “xz utils” has a cleverly embedded system for backdooring shell login connections, and it’s unclear how far this dangerous package got into countless internet-enabled devices. It appears the…

🦄 Tech

Locating Missing Persons Using Open-Source Intelligence at DEFCON 27

Las Vegas, NV – At DEFCON 27 in Las Vegas, Unicorn Riot spoke with the organizers of an event where participants were asked to find information on real missing people in a competition called Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Missing Persons Capture The Flag (CTF).

Many people…

🦄 Tech

Hacking LIDAR: Changing What Autonomous Vehicles See

Las Vegas, NV – In the near future, automobile manufacturers are expected to begin rolling out autonomous driving vehicles that use Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) lasers to see objects, roads, and people.

These driver-less vehicles will soon be cruising down every major city street,…