🦄 Labor, Tech

Tech Workers Rise Up: Organizing Google’s Worldwide Worker Walkout

Cambridge, MA — At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on December 11, 2018 an open forum titled, “#MeToo and Workers’ Power: Building Solidarity at Google and Beyond,” covered the inner workings of the global Google walkout of 20,000 employees and contractors in 2018.

Hosted by…

🦄 Global, Labor

Thousands March in Celebration of Mayday 2021

International Workers Day or ‘Mayday’ is a annual holiday held on the first of May to celebrate the achievements and sacrifices of the international labor movement. The holiday started in the United States over a century ago to commemorate the workers who campaigned to achieve…

🦄 Global, Labor

South African Unions Form Alliance Against Government

Durban, South Africa – On October 7, 2020, South Africa’s four largest trade union confederations COSATU, SAFTU, FEDUSA, and NACTU organized a national one-day strike in response to ongoing, failed negotiations with the government. These rival union confederations have combined forces in an effort to…

🦄 COVID-19, Labor

Philly Starbucks Worker Delivers NLRB Unfair Labor Practice Complaint

Philadelphia, PA – An employee of the Starbucks at 1900 Market St. delivered a National Labor Relations Board form stating she’d been retaliated against for ‘Protected Concerted Activity’. The worker filing the complaint alleges she was punished via a reduction in hours for organizing a…