Tag: munitions

Blockade Protest Disrupts Raytheon at University of Arizona Tech Park
Activists in Tucson blockaded a facility where Raytheon designs munitions with the help of the University of Arizona.
![image: aerial photograph of the city of Minneapolis in the daytime from the Department of Natural Resources airplane. The wing is visible on the bottom left side of the picture. Four images are superimposed: from left to right, a black rectangle with white text, "Getting that load to MN is the priority. Advise if plan B needs to be made for munitions."; a grey map showing an aircraft's flight record from northern Minnesota, to a location in Wyoming, then to Minneapolis; a white rectangle with black text from an email reading, "Subject: RE: Flight Info Steve will be able to load 1600 pounds of cargo onboard."; another white rectangle with black text, "Estimated Arrival in Casper Wyoming: 10:00 hours local time. Max Payload with required fuel, about 1500 pounds. Safariland Contact Wyoming Mike Kramer [redacted]. Safariland Contact Minneapolis Kevin Degel [redacted]."](https://unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/FOIALawEnforcementResponseSTory-min.png)
Behind the Law Enforcement Response to the George Floyd Uprising – Pt 1: Munitions Delivery
Text messages, emails, photos and other records provide a rare look into the coordination between multiple agencies that took place in the aftermath of Floyd's killing.

Anonymous Takes Down Munitions Vendor Safariland After Sheriffs Attack #NoDAPL
Oecti Sakowin, ND – On the night of Sunday November 20, the Morton County Sheriff deployed large amounts of tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray, and other ‘less-lethal’ ammunition, including a water cannon, upon #NoDAPL water protectors. This happened north of the Backwater Bridge on…