🦄 DAPL, Eco

Army Corps Delays DAPL Easement

Washington, DC – On Monday, November 14, the Army Corps of Engineers said in a statement that “additional discussion and analysis” was “warranted” before they could grant an easement needed by Dakota Access Pipeline to start construction on land near Lake Oahe.

UPDATE: Army Corps…

🦄 DAPL, Eco

Mississippi Stand Goes Inside Pipeline and Shuts Down DAPL Construction

Boone, IA – On Thursday, November 10th, 2016, three water protectors from Iowa’s “Mississippi Stand” occupied the inside of the Dakota Access Pipeline to stop construction at their bore site near the Des Moines River.

3 water protectors are occupying inside of DAPL pipeline. DAPL…

🦄 DAPL, Eco

Dakota Access Announces Plan to Drill Under Missouri River Within Weeks

Oceti Sakowin, ND – As water protectors dig in for the winter near construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), many rumors have been circulating about whether DAPL was in fact going to halt construction, as had been requested by the Department of Justice and…