🦄 Community

Glendale Townhomes in Minneapolis Face Gentrification from MPHA

Minneapolis, MN – Tenants who reside at Glendale Townhomes in the historic Prospect Park neighborhood have been organizing for years to protect their homes from proposed redevelopments, which the group Defend Glendale insists will mean “gentrification and displacement of people of color from Minneapolis” through…

🦄 Eco, Police, Racism & Far-Right

Deprogram Episode 30

Deprogram is back! On Wednesday, May 31, Unicorn Riot brought back our live show Deprogram with hosts Niko and Lorenzo. The show presents a weekly examination of global events pertaining to social struggles, the environment, and many other topics.

Episode 30 of Deprogram featured discussion on…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Denver’s Pro-Trump Rally Immobilized by Anti-Trump Radicals

Denver, CO – Saturday March 25 Pro-Trump supporters under the Facebook group “Make America Great Again” called for a Colorado MAGA March at the state capitol in Denver.  Anti-fascist/anti-racist group, The People’s Protection League, organized a counter demonstration.  “The People They Hate Make America Great” …