🦄 Global

Gazans Flock to Beaches Amid Record Breaking Heatwave

Gaza Sea, Gaza, Palestine — The Gaza seashore has become the only outlet for the residents of the Gaza Strip to escape the sweltering heat during record breaking temperatures this summer. About 2 million citizens inhabit the Gaza Strip, living under a suffocating land, sea,…

🦄 Eco, Protest & Direct Action

Bipod and Car Blockade Jam Up Line 3 Construction

Savanna State Forest, MN – Before sunrise on Wednesday, February 24, three water protectors locked down to blockades on Loon Road. Loon Road is a main Line 3 pipeline construction access corridor connected to more than 12 active work sites.

A water protector named Rose…

🦄 Protest & Direct Action

Direct Actions Disrupt DC to Demand Climate Action

Washington, DC – Decentralized climate protest actions plan to “block key infrastructure to stop business-as-usual” in the US capitol today to demand politicians take action to address climate change.

Groups that announced plans to carry out disruptions and protests across DC include Black Lives Matter…