Tag: Christopher Columbus

“In The River” Performance Commemorates the Toppling of the Columbus Statue
St. Paul, MN – A public performance commemorating the toppling of the Columbus Statue at the Minnesota State Capitol in 2020 is set for Saturday, April 23 at 4 p.m. Unicorn Riot will be covering the event and media from the performance will be posted…

“The fight is not over:” CO Brown Berets Rally on Inauguration Day
Denver, CO — Shortly after President Joe Biden was sworn into office on Wednesday in D.C., a combination of groups came together in downtown Denver to proclaim their ongoing demands and concerns of the federal government—explicitly its mistreatment of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

Ramsey County Sentences Native Organizer for Columbus Statue Toppling
Saint Paul, MN – A Minnesota court recently agreed to an uncommon approach to resolve criminal charges filed after the statue of Christopher Columbus was toppled at the Minnesota Capitol on June 10, 2020.
Ramsey County Chief Judge Leonardo Castro accepted the restorative justice approach…

Columbus Statue Focal Point for South Philly Right-Wingers
Philadelphia, PA – Marconi Plaza has served as the gathering site for right-wing South Philly residents this past weekend. Members of the crowd were predominantly of Italian-American heritage, reflecting the ethnic composition and culture of some of the surrounding neighborhoods.
Two weeks ago the city…

Philadelphia Police Threaten Unicorn Riot Reporter After Vigilante Assault
Philadelphia, PA – On Saturday evening dozens of armed vigilantes gathered in Marconi Plaza in South Philadelphia near a Christopher Columbus statue, ostensibly to “protect it” from vandalism. Several of the men assaulted our reporter on the scene and slashed his bike tires. Philadelphia police…

Christopher Columbus Statue Toppled in Saint Paul
Saint Paul, MN – Joining a new nationwide cleanse of racist monuments, the Christoper Columbus statue at Minnesota’s Capitol building is one of the latest to be torn down.
On Wednesday evening over a hundred people came to take part in toppling a statue of…

Four Directions March Celebrates Denver’s Passage of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Denver, CO – On Monday, October 3rd, 2016, the city of Denver permanently designated the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day, which is celebrated federally, and on a state level in Colorado, as Columbus Day.
This decision came five days before the annual…

Minnesota Stands United Against White Supremacy
In August of 2015, a group by the name of “Minnesota 10,000 for Southern Heritage”, received a permit to rally at the capitol in support of the confederate flag.
A facebook event to counter-protest the permitted confederate flag rally, named Unity Against White Supremacy &…