🦄 Global

Historic South African Election Dethrones Ruling Party ANC

For the first time in its relatively short history, the Republic of South Africa is no longer a de facto one-party state. This coming after a heavily contested 2024 South African election held on May 29 that saw a larger number of voters turning against…

🦄 Global, Labor

South African Military to Guard Power Stations After Record Power Outages

Durban, South Africa – As the ongoing South African Energy Crisis enters its sixteenth straight year, continued substation breakdowns coupled by widespread sabotage and corruption at the nation’s virtual energy monopoly, ESKOM, has resulted in an unprecedented surge of rolling blackouts. As a result South…

🦄 COVID-19

South Africa Under Lockdown as COVID–19 Spreads

Durban, Kawzulu-Natal, South Africa – On March 5, 2020, South Africa reported its first official case of coronavirus (COVID–19) in the Kwazulu-Natal province. Since then, the virus has expanded into all nine provinces, infecting at least 1,280 people and killing two.
On March 23, President…