🦄 Eco
"we will stop line 3" banner

Protests After Permits for Line 3 Oil Pipeline Approved

Saint Paul, MN – The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) approved various permits for Enbridge’s Line 3 on Thursday, November 12, 2020, moving the Calgary-based pipeline replacement project closer to completion.

On Saturday, November 14, hundreds gathered outside…

🦄 Eco, Protest & Direct Action
image: a white triangular banner hangs from the cables above the suspension bridge over Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis, oriented towards the right. "NO KKKOPS, NO PIPELINES" is written in mostly-black text; in both of the NOs, the letter O is in red. Red "DANGER" caution-type plastic tape is attached at the top point of the triangle and at the point on the right. The city skyline is visible behind the bridge, and there are cars on Highway 55/Hiawatha Avenue below the pedestrian bridge.

‘No KKKops, No Pipelines’ Banner Dropped in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Activists hoisted a massive banner reading “No KKKops, No Pipelines” above Hiawatha Avenue on Sunday, October 4. More than 20 feet tall, it had been intricately strung from the suspension cables above the Minneapolis Greenway’s pedestrian transit bridge. Sight of the banner…

🦄 Eco

March to Protect The Sacred on Indigenous People’s Day 2019

Clearbrook, MN – On Indigenous People’s Day 2019, a coalition of climate activists marched to the Enbridge tar sands pipeline terminal located in Clearbrook, Minnesota. The Ginew Collective of indigenous women organized the peaceful march down 470th Street to tell Enbridge, the owner of the…

🦄 Eco

Hundreds Rally in Opposition to Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline in Minnesota

Duluth, MN – Hundreds are gathering today along the shores of Lake Superior. The Gichi-gami (“Lake Superior” in Ojibwe) Gathering‘s goal is to bring together opponents of the Line 3 oil pipeline to express their ongoing opposition to the tar sands pipeline project.
Opponents of…