🦄 Global, Racism & Far-Right

Travels of Hate: An American Far-Right Extremist in Greece

Connected to far-right extremist groups Propatria and Golden Dawn, American extremist Robert Rundo visited Greece at least twice while on the run from U.S. authorities. Rundo was arrested in Romania in late March and is set to be extradited to the U.S. for riot and conspiracy charges related to a string of violent acts Rundo took part in across the U.S.

🦄 Global, Racism & Far-Right

Nazis of Color

In May 2023, when Mauricio Garcia killed eight people in an outlet mall in Allen, Texas, it seemed like just another senseless mass murder similar to innumerable school shootings. But when it came out that he identified as a neo-nazi, outrage spread: calling a Latino…

🦄 LGBTQ+, Racism & Far-Right

Anti-LGBTQ Far-Right Continues Harassing Santee YMCA

[UPDATE: On January 23 news broke that Joshua Cantor, the owner of Evolve Custom Automotive Restoration in Santee, CA, was arrested and charged with grooming and sexually assaulting two underage girls. Cantor previously hosted Mike Forzano’s group Exiled Patriots at his business for a June…

🦄 Global, Racism & Far-Right

Neo-Nazi Group Golden Dawn Makes Resurgence in Greece

After many years in hiding, on Dec. 18, 2022, the far-right, neo-Nazi organization of Golden Dawn (GD) made its public reappearance and organized a march and rally in Florina, Northern Greece. Dozens of Golden Dawn members, many serving in the Greek Parliament, were convicted in 2020, in the largest Nazi trial since Nuremberg, of heading a criminal organization.

🦄 Police, Racism & Far-Right, Tech

The Far-Right’s Fascination with the U.S. Electric Grid

Over the past two years, government agencies have been warning that white supremacists and far-right extremists are the most significant domestic threat to American security.

Moore County, NC experienced a blackout in early December 2022 that affected more than 45,000 residents after two local substations…