🦄 Eco

“Eat the Children”: Decades of Far-Right LaRouche Provocations Renewed

New York City, NY – A disruptive comment about eating babies in order to avoid climate change during a Thursday town hall meeting with U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY14) was claimed by political action committee “LaRouche PAC“, a hub for far-right cult-like methods of organizing…

🦄 Eco

Two Indicted For Sabotaging Dakota Access Pipeline

Des Moines, IA – Two environmental activists, Jessica Reznicek and Ruby Montoya, have been indicted by a federal grand jury for charges related to acts of sabotage against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in 2016 and 2017.
The two are charged with “one count of…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Identity Evropa, Rebranded: Six Months Later

Harper’s Ferry, WV – Identity Evropa, the alt-right neo-nazi group behind the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, renamed itself the American Identity Movement earlier this year. Now, more than half a year after the group attempted to redefine its name and image, we examine…

🦄 Eco

CO Community Turns up Pressure on Last Day of Climate Strike

Broomfield, CO – On September 29, 2019, as a culmination to the global climate strike week of action, Colorado residents will be rallying at Anthem Community Park to exercise their first amendment rights in a public forum.
The park is adjacent to Extraction Oil &…

🦄 Arts & Culture

28 Years of Black Storytelling

Minneapolis, MN – The three-day Black Master Storytellers Festival returned to Minneapolis with its Grand Finale event in the downtown Minneapolis library. The Black Storytellers Alliance has brought 28 years of Black storytelling to communities across the United States. The theme of this year is…