🦄 Prison

Federal Prosecutions From #NoDAPL Movement Continue

Bismarck, ND – Almost two years after the eviction of indigenous encampments resisting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), federal prosecutions have continued to crack down on some of those involved.
All of the federal #NoDAPL cases stem around events on October 27, 2016, when a…

🦄 Borders & Migration
March to US Consulate

Hunger Strike Ends with March on U.S. Consulate

Tijuana, Mexico – After fourteen days of an ongoing hunger strike to bring attention to human rights violations against the migrant caravan, members of Pueblos Sin Fronteras met with Mexican officials at the National Institute of Migration (INM).  They also met with U.S. Officials at…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Neo-Nazi Convicted of Murder in Charlottesville Auto Attack

Charlottesville, VA – On Friday, December 7, 2018 in Charlottesville Circuit Court, jurors in Virginia found James Alex Fields guilty on all counts at the trial stemming from his arrest after the Unite The Right rally on August 12, 2017. After a white supremacist rally…