Tag: history

Minnesota African American Museum Showcases Black History
Minneapolis, MN – Unicorn Riot honors Black History Month by taking you to Minnesota’s only Black History Museum, which brings a year-round gallery and free community space.
Since September 2018, the Minnesota African American Heritage Museum and Gallery (MAAHMG) has been an educational space dedicated…

Liberation Day Honors Resistance at Wounded Knee
Pine Ridge, SD – On February 27th, 2016 Unicorn Riot attended the 43rd annual Liberation Day on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The day began with a “Four Directions Walk & Caravan” led by participants holding Medicine Staffs and American Indian Movement flags…

Whitewashing of Stonewall history in new movie #NotMyStonewall – Deprogram Ep 15
New movie coming out end of September about the Stonewall riots in NYC 1969
The “Stonewall” trailer (tagline: “Where pride began“) focuses on a fictional blond man from Kansas, played by the English actor Jeremy Irvine, who moves to New York City and discovers the…