Tag: #Mexico

Another Immigrant Claims Sanctuary from Deportation in Colorado
Denver, CO – Like others who have claimed sanctuary from deportation, Jorge Araiza Ávila decided to skip his appointment with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official on December 10, 2019, and instead, took refuge at Park Hill United Methodist Church and Temple Micah. On…

Minnesotans Escalate Calls to Divest from “Virtual Border Wall” Company Elbit
St. Paul, MN – Local organizers have accused the State of Minnesota of “funding the wall” between both the Mexico-USA border and further between Palestine and Israel. Anti-war and migrant justice activists turned up the pressure on Minnesota legislators to divest an estimated $1.25 million…

Migrant Aid Workers Targeted by Border Agencies in Retaliation, Documents Suggest
Tucson, AZ – Federal officers within the Border Patrol and Fish and Wildlife Service began a campaign of targeted government surveillance against No More Deaths (No Más Muertes aka NMD) in 2017.
A recently filed court motion submitted by the Attorney of defendant Dr. Scott…

Faith Leaders March on U.S. Border in Solidarity With Migrants
U.S./Mexico border – Hundreds of faith leaders and allies marched to the United States border wall just south of San Diego in solidarity with the migrant caravan. They were met by Border Patrol agents and Department of Homeland Security police who arrested over thirty clergy…

Hunger Strike Ends with March on U.S. Consulate
Tijuana, Mexico – After fourteen days of an ongoing hunger strike to bring attention to human rights violations against the migrant caravan, members of Pueblos Sin Fronteras met with Mexican officials at the National Institute of Migration (INM). They also met with U.S. Officials at…

Migrants Moved to New Center as Hunger Strike Continues
Tijuana, Mexico – Thousands of migrants have been relocated to a new migrant shelter and await what changes may come as the new Mexican President takes office.
Caravan Moved to New Shelter in Tijuana Mexico from Unicorn Riot on Vimeo.
In the shelter, migrants found…