🦄 Police

Minneapolis Police Murder Handcuffed Man With Neck-Kneel

Minneapolis, MN – “I can’t breathe” were some of the last words of the latest victim to police terror. Memorial Day in Minneapolis saw the echoing of the same words as Eric Garner before he was killed by police six years earlier. For over eight…

🦄 COVID-19
image: a protester stands in front of the entrance to the Minnesota state capitol facing the crowd of protesters, who are spaced out physically-distanced from one another by small orange cones. The protester is holding a sign, "NO retaliation, #BringBackCliffAndMonica, Protect Frontline Workers"

Nurses Picket Over Lack of Protection From Ongoing Viral Pandemic

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of medical professionals and supporters held an informational picket demanding their employer Allina Health, along with the Minnesota Department of Health, provide increased personal protective equipment (PPE) “with higher safety standards.” After the May 20 picket outside United Hospital protesters…

🦄 COVID-19
Bicyclists watch a caravan of cars on May Day

Minneapolis May Day Protest Supports Essential Workers

Minneapolis, MN – An autonomous demonstration on International Workers’ Day broke off from a large ‘Cancel Rent’ caravan to show support for essential workers.
Dozens of cars and bicycles drove through downtown Minneapolis in a show of solidarity for striking workers across the world that…

🦄 Police

Group Pushing For Better Police Contract Shut Out Of Public Meetings

Minneapolis, MN – A community coalition which recommended changes to a new contract between Minneapolis Police and the city are calling for contract transparency and an end to closed-door meetings.

As police conduct continues to be a hot-button topic, community members from MPLS For A…