🦄 Community, Eco, Protest & Direct Action

First Nations Invite Enbridge to Public Debate

Superior, WI – During a snow storm in Superior, Wisconsin, about 100 community members and activists gathered at the Douglas County Courthouse to voice their opposition to Enbridge’s pipeline expansion plans, march to Enbridge offices, and call for a public debate. After a feast and…

🦄 Arts & Culture, Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 28

Ep. 28: #Mizzou #ConcernedStudent1950 #BlackOnCampus #ClimateChange #KeystoneXL #Enbridge #Hackers #CWA #Anonymous #Securus #PrisonMonitoring #MMM2015 #CopsLie #BlackLivesMatter #Turkey #Silvan #SilvanUnderAttack #Palestine #Justice4KeithLamar

For episode 28 of Deprogram we start at the University of Missouri, where a hunger strike to combat the systemic racial injustices on…

🦄 Eco

Southside Chicago Marches for Environmental Justice

Written by Lorenzo Serna of Unicorn Riot
On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015, I arrived in Southside Chicago to cover a march against industries destroying the local community’s air quality. I had just left Duluth where activists entered an Enbridge office and protested Enbridge’s push to…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Protest & Direct Action

Enbridge Office Flooded With Protesters During Direct Action Against Tar Sands Pipelines; Seven Arrested

Duluth, MN – Nov. 2, 2015. A rally in Duluth agitated against pipeline construction and demanded full Tribal consultation regarding these dangerous projects. Many groups are rallying to resist the construction of more dirty pipelines across northern Minnesota and beyond. UnicornRiot.ninja had reporters onsite and…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Eco

Pipeline Politics in the Syrian Civil War

Oil politics in the Syrian civil war is a complex web of money deception and proxy war. What began as non-violent grassroots rebellion against Bashar al Assad and the Syrian state has morphed into a complex proxy war involving countless factions and alliances competing for…

🦄 Eco, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 18

#Germany #Greece #EU #FBI #Drones #NorthDakota #ClimateChaos #GLACIER #ArcticDrilling #sHellNo #JamychealMitchell #BaltimoreUprising #AllenBullock #FreddieGray #G20Toronto #Ukraine #JeremyHammond #SolitaryConfinement