🦄 Prison

BOP Blames Bird for Eric King’s Property Destruction During Federal Trial

Denver, CO – During the federal trial against political prisoner Eric King, there have been multiple disruptive incidents affecting the defendant at the Englewood prison where he is being held. King, his legal team, and supporters are concerned that these seem like consistent retaliatory actions…

🦄 Prison

Philly March Demands Mumia Abu-Jamal Be Freed From Prison

Philadelphia, PA – After 40 years of incarceration, the movement to free Mumia Abu-Jamal continues. Hundreds gathered with a giant Mumia puppet outside Philadelphia’s City Hall near the statue of Octavius V. Catto before marching through streets south of Center City on December 11, 2021.…

🦄 Prison

Prison Abolition Advocates Rally Outside Federal Prison on NYE

Lakewood, CO — As 2020 comes to an end, prison abolition advocates around the world will be continuing an annual tradition of demonstrating outside of prisons on New Year’s Eve.

A call for New Year’s Eve prison solidarity demonstrations was circulated earlier in December by…

🦄 Community, Global
Oromo woman kneels next to mural of Hanchalu Hundessa on the back of the Minnesota Oromo Community Center

Youth Lead Summer of Oromo Protests in Minnesota

Saint Paul, MN – On June 29, famed Oromo singer and activist Hachalu Hundessa was assassinated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, sparking renewed rounds of protests by Oromo people across the world.

Hundreds have been killed protesting in Ethiopia since Hachalu’s murder, with upwards of 10,000…

🦄 Social Control

Greece: Political Prisoners Pt. 3 – Criminalized by Association

Athens, Greece – Unicorn Riot spoke with author Tasos Theofilou, an innocent political prisoner freed last year after serving five years in a Greek prison. Recent court cases involving political prisoners in Greece have borne a resemblance to ‘J20‘ cases in the United States, where…