🦄 Global

Origins of the PKK and the ‘Rojava’ Revolution: Part II

An autonomous region in northern Syria where governance is based on cooperative economics, radical ecology and women’s rights has been crafted over the last decade. This region was initially called “Rojava” (Western Kurdistan) and is now officially known as the Autonomous Administration of North and…

🦄 Community, Global

Origins of the PKK and the ‘Rojava’ Revolution: PT. I

The Arab Spring movement of 2011 – 2012 initiated one of the largest and most impactful international waves of protest in recent world history. This movement began in the small North African country of Tunisia, which soon toppled its longtime dictator, Zine El Abidine Ben…

🦄 Police

Police, Trump Supporters Clash with Anti-Trump Protesters in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Police used pepper spray and horses to violently disperse anti-Trump protesters from around the streets of the Target Center on Thursday night. Many thousands were in attendance at the Trump rally in Minneapolis with additional thousands out in the streets protesting Trump’s…

🦄 Arts & Culture

Anti-Fascist Solidarity Fostered At NYC Extreme Metal Festival

Brooklyn, New York City – 2019 marked the USA’s first anti-fascist extreme metal festival, Black Flags Over Brooklyn. Punks and metalheads of all ages traveled to Brooklyn in January to attend the two-day music-fest and mini anarchist bookfair.
At the festival we interviewed anti-racist organizer…