🦄 Global, Police, Racism & Far-Right

Tensions Explode in Greece After Police Kill Roma Teen One Day Before 14th Anniversary of Past Police Killing

In a few-day span from Dec. 5 to Dec. 9, fiery protests took hold in several cities in Greece as communities across the country responded to police shooting another Roma youth on the eve of the anniversary of the Dec. 6, 2008 police killing of Alexis Grigoropoulos. Kostas Fragoulis, 16, was shot in the back of the head by Greek police in Thessaloniki on Dec. 5. Fragoulis was pronounced dead eight days later on Dec. 13. 

🦄 Global, Police

Greek Police Occupy and Desecrate Memorial Site of Teen They Killed

Athens, Greece – On the anniversary of his death, riot police occupied the memorial site and desecrated flowers left for 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was killed by Greek police twelve years earlier. Police made at least 62 arrests in Athens and over 150 across Greece…

🦄 Tech

OmniaTV, Grassroots Independent Media in Greece

Athens, Greece – Operating voluntarily and organized horizontally, the grassroots independent media collective OmniaTV, has functioned out of necessity since 2011. Striving to bring out truths misrepresented in Greek media and covering under-reported stories, OmniaTV stands out as a viable alternative non-profit media source as…