🦄 Eco, Global

Indigenous Official and British Journalist Murdered in Brazilian Amazon

Amazonas, Brazil – On June 5, 2022, the suspicious disappearance of Bruno Araújo Pereira, an Indigenous affairs official and rainforest advocate, and British journalist Dom Phillips, made the main newspapers in Brazil and the world, triggering a national and global alert. The insecurity and backlash…

🦄 Global, Racism & Far-Right

Young Congolese Political Refugee Beaten to Death in Brazil

Brazilians occupied the streets of at least 12 provincial capitals and several cities in the country on Saturday, February 5, to protest against racism, xenophobia and the brutal death of Moïse Kabagambe. Kabagambe, a 24-year-old political refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, was beaten…

🦄 COVID-19, Global

COVID Commission Finds Bolsonaro Committed “Crimes Against Humanity”

Thousands of Black people occupied the streets of several cities throughout Brazil on November 20, a national holiday called Black Consciousness/Awareness Day. A month earlier, investigations into President Jair Bolsonaro’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic found him guilty of “crimes against humanity” and recommended indictments…

🦄 Global, Police

Police in Brazil Killed Record Amount of People in 2020

An average of 17 people a day, totaling at least 6,416 people, were killed by police in Brazil during the year of 2020. These staggering totals set the highest amount ever recorded since tracking police killings in the country of over 211 million people. The…