🦄 COVID-19, Global

COVID Commission Finds Bolsonaro Committed “Crimes Against Humanity”

Thousands of Black people occupied the streets of several cities throughout Brazil on November 20, a national holiday called Black Consciousness/Awareness Day. A month earlier, investigations into President Jair Bolsonaro’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic found him guilty of “crimes against humanity” and recommended indictments…

🦄 COVID-19, Global
São Paulo

“Brazil is Asking for Help” – Artists and Activists Speak Out

COVID-19 continues to ravage Brazil, leading to record numbers of daily deaths. For a deeper understanding of some of the impacts the coronavirus pandemic is having on several areas and aspects of life, Unicorn Riot recently heard from four Brazilians across different states.

Brazilian Pandemonium:…

🦄 Prison

Prison Abolition Advocates Rally Outside Federal Prison on NYE

Lakewood, CO — As 2020 comes to an end, prison abolition advocates around the world will be continuing an annual tradition of demonstrating outside of prisons on New Year’s Eve.

A call for New Year’s Eve prison solidarity demonstrations was circulated earlier in December by…

🦄 Community, COVID-19
image: Brenda a 60-year-old Native American woman speaks in the center of the frame. She is wearing a white knit hat and a black zip-up jacket. Behind her on the ground is white snow, and to her left in the background is an Indigenous structure known as a Tarpee, a tipi-like structure made with tarps constructed to help elders keep warm while fighting oil pipeline extraction on Native land.

Winter of Coronavirus: Seeking Shelter in Minneapolis During COVID–19

Minneapolis, MN – With winter setting in, many people experiencing houselessness in Minneapolis are forced to choose between living outdoors in freezing temperatures or entering a restrictive and non-private temporary indoor shelter.

A new scientific study finds that over 400,000 COVID cases and nearly 11,000…

🦄 Protest & Direct Action

Seven Arrested at Action Against Houseless Sweeps

Denver, CO – Nearly two hours before sunrise, advocates of the local unhoused community took part in a non-violent direct action (NVDA) in an attempt to stop a sweep of a tent encampment on Tuesday, November 17.

A line of about 20 advocates with linked…