🦄 Labor, Tech

Tech Workers Rise Up: Organizing Google’s Worldwide Worker Walkout

Cambridge, MA — At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on December 11, 2018 an open forum titled, “#MeToo and Workers’ Power: Building Solidarity at Google and Beyond,” covered the inner workings of the global Google walkout of 20,000 employees and contractors in 2018.

Hosted by…

🦄 Police, Racism & Far-Right

1920, 2020; The Years Minnesota Will Never Forget

The world watched Minnesota after the state made headlines for a triple lynching in 1920, though no one was ever charged for the murders of Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson or Isaac McGhie. 100 years later the world is watching again, waiting to see if Minnesota…

🦄 Police

Daughter Organizes March for Father Killed After Police Interaction

Minneapolis, MN – Lionel Lewis was 26-years-old when he died in police custody in northern Minnesota in 2002. Lewis’ daughter, Mia, was only one at the time.

Mia is dedicating her birthday this year to her father and has organized a public demonstration in remembrance…