🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Neo-Nazi Hipsters Identity Evropa Exposed In Discord Chat Leak

Unicorn Riot is releasing more than 770,000 messages from chat servers associated with Identity Evropa. This is the first report in a series about this large US-based neo-Nazi organization. 
Newly leaked chat logs from the alt-right group Identity Evropa show a continuing dynamic of racism…

🦄 Community

Three MMIW events in Minneapolis Demand Justice

Minneapolis, MN – Our journalists documented a series of events that are part of a push for justice for “Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Boys, LGBQI, Two Spirit and Transgender Relatives” in Minnesota.

2019 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Event from Unicorn Riot on…

🦄 Labor

Denver Teacher Strike a Success Amid Nationwide Walkouts

Denver, CO – After three days of striking and late nights of negotiating, many Denver teachers returned to their classrooms on Thursday, February 14, 2019 after a tentative agreement was struck between the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) and Denver Public Schools (DPS).
The agreement…

🦄 Labor

Thousands Rally in Support of Striking Oakland Teachers

Oakland, CA – On Thursday, February 21, 2019, thousands of teachers, students, union organizers and community supporters rallied in downtown Oakland in a show of support for local teachers as they started their first day of striking. Represented by the Oakland Education Association, teachers walked…

🦄 Social Control

Fort Collins Food Not Bombs Rallies for Rights

Fort Collins, CO – On February 3, 2019, like on every Sunday, the Fort Collins’ chapter of Food Not Bombs (FNB) cooked up a homemade, nutritious meal for their free meal share at 1pm. However once they arrived at their typical location of Library Park,…