🦄 Protest & Direct Action

Direct Action Shuts Down Coal Infrastructure in Germany

Viersen, Germany – [Updated 6/29/2019] This year’s #EndeGelaende event was the most logistically challenging ever, according to its organizers. Activists were repeatedly stopped from boarding trains, buses and crossing bridges by police and forced to march dozens of miles, over 24 hours, to eventually reach…

🦄 Eco

Touring Activists Build Momentum Toward Climate Justice

Minneapolis, MN – Dozens attended a presentation by German climate justice activists on mass mobilizations from the front lines of resistance to climate catastrophe.
The event was the second-to-last stop on a U.S. speaking tour organized by Rising Tide North America this past spring. Members…

🦄 Eco, Global

Journalist Dies During German Police Sweep of Hambach Forest

Hambach Forest, Germany – One person has been confirmed to have died during police operations to clear the Hambach Forest to make way for a coal mine. The injury leading to the man’s death took place Wednesday afternoon as officers were attempting to remove protesters…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

German Far-Right Targets Medics as Left Mobilizes in Chemnitz

Chemnitz, Germany – During a protest against the German far-right in Chemnitz, paramedics were targeted by right-wing violence and pepper sprayed from a rooftop by a right-wing demonstrator while providing medical support to protesters in a police kettle at Johannisplatz, a public square in the…

🦄 Borders & Migration

Bomb Explodes at Hamburg Transit Station, Neo-Nazi Arrested

Hamburg, Germany – At the S-Bahn Station, a bag packed with nails, screws, and pyrotechnics were placed on the train platform on Sunday evening, December 17th. According to witnesses, the bomb explosion sent shrapnel flying through the air, breaking several windows.
Police initially reported that…