🦄 Police
Hundreds of youth march in Minneapolis after George Floyd killer released from jail

Youth Lead March After Ex-Cop Charged in Floyd’s Murder Bailed Out

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of young adults and teenagers marched just hours after the ex-cop charged with George Floyd’s death was released on bail.

Starting at George Floyd Memorial Square on 38th Street and Chicago Avenue at 6:30 p.m. on October 7, a fast-paced march…

🦄 Eco, Protest & Direct Action
image: a white triangular banner hangs from the cables above the suspension bridge over Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis, oriented towards the right. "NO KKKOPS, NO PIPELINES" is written in mostly-black text; in both of the NOs, the letter O is in red. Red "DANGER" caution-type plastic tape is attached at the top point of the triangle and at the point on the right. The city skyline is visible behind the bridge, and there are cars on Highway 55/Hiawatha Avenue below the pedestrian bridge.

‘No KKKops, No Pipelines’ Banner Dropped in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Activists hoisted a massive banner reading “No KKKops, No Pipelines” above Hiawatha Avenue on Sunday, October 4. More than 20 feet tall, it had been intricately strung from the suspension cables above the Minneapolis Greenway’s pedestrian transit bridge. Sight of the banner…

🦄 Community, Global
Hundreds march in Minneapolis for Oromos in Ethiopia

Grand Rally Oromo Protest Demands U.S. Stop Funding Ethiopia

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds marched through downtown Minneapolis Friday afternoon in the Little Oromia North American Grand Rally. The demonstrators, some of whom came from cities like Seattle and Denver, demanded justice after a summer of repression against Oromo protests in Ethiopia. They also called…

🦄 COVID-19, Police
image: city emergency vehicle lights, as well as other city vehicles' lights, shine in the pre-dawn twilight light as well as reflect off the wet sidewalks at Peavey Park. Yellow caution tape has been strung up around the park as a barrier while police evict the residents from more than 10 tents.

Peavey Park Sanctuary Homeless Camp Evicted in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – A long-dreaded eviction of the sanctuary camp at Peavey Park took place today just after 6:00 a.m., an hour before sunrise. Minneapolis Park Police, Minneapolis Police, and sheriff’s officers were all documented as having taken part in this morning’s sweep.

An emergency…