πŸ¦„ Police

Remembering Paul Castaway: Killed by Denver Police

On July 12, 2015, Denver Police officer Michael Traudt fatally shot 35-year-old father of one and Rosebud Sioux tribal member, Paul Castaway, after responding to a mental health crisis help call placed by Castaway’s mother. Despite struggling with the trauma since the tragic killing, Castaway’s…

πŸ¦„ Police

St. Paul Police Officers Not Charged in the Killing of Billy Hughes

St. Paul, MN – Ramsey County Attorney John Choi announced today that St. Paul Police Officers Vincent Adams and Matthew Jones will not be charged in the shooting death of White Earth tribal member William (Billy) Hughes. The police killing occurred August 5, 2018 after…

πŸ¦„ Community

Charges Dismissed After #Fight4Shani Call-in Campaign

Denver, CO – On the afternoon of April 14th, DA Mitch Morrissey announced that the charges against 15-year old Ashanti (Shani) Mills had been dismissed. His announcement came after a 6 month struggle by Shani and her family to fight for justice in what they…