🦄 Police, Protest & Direct Action

Special Report: Chilean Student Movement

Unicorn Riot speaks with Joshua Tucker, who has witnessed the ongoing student protests in Chile. Which last Thursday saw a record number of protestors hit the streets. The police responded with over 214 arrests. The protest swelled after two young student protestors were killed May…

🦄 Community, Police, Protest & Direct Action

#BlackWomenMatter Rally #SayHerName

May 21, 2015
The Black Liberation Project in Minneapolis organized a #BlackWomenMatter rally in Minnehaha park. They created a space for black women to have their voices uplifted. The rally ended with participants planting flowers, some for those taken for the police, other for black…

🦄 Police

Denver’s Baltimore Uprising Solidarity March Attacked by Police

4/29/15 Denver’s Baltimore Uprising Solidarity March attacked by Police.Denver joined cities across the United States to march in solidarity with Baltimore. Denver Police attacked the peaceful protest.
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