🦄 Labor

Chicago Teachers and Allies Rally as Strike Continues

Chicago, IL – Unicorn Riot covered a labor rally in solidarity with the ongoing Chicago Teachers Union strike. The strike enters its tenth day and began October 17, 2019.
Teachers in Chicago are calling for smaller class sizes, adequate nurses, librarians, social workers, and teachers…

🦄 Police

Family to View Footage in Fatal Police Killing This Week

Richfield, MN – Dash camera footage of the September police killing of Brian Quinones-Rosario was viewed by Brian’s family on Wednesday, October 23. Demands for greater transparency in October City Council meetings have helped move the process forward for the family of Quinones after Brian…

🦄 Social Control

Advocates Demand Denver Protect Rights of People Without Homes

Denver, CO – In the afternoon of October 21, 2019, local advocacy group Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL), along with other social justice and human rights groups, held a rally outside City Hall to continue to demand that the city government take action in support…

🦄 Tech

Hacking LIDAR: Changing What Autonomous Vehicles See

Las Vegas, NV – In the near future, automobile manufacturers are expected to begin rolling out autonomous driving vehicles that use Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) lasers to see objects, roads, and people.

These driver-less vehicles will soon be cruising down every major city street,…

🦄 Eco

March to Protect The Sacred on Indigenous People’s Day 2019

Clearbrook, MN – On Indigenous People’s Day 2019, a coalition of climate activists marched to the Enbridge tar sands pipeline terminal located in Clearbrook, Minnesota. The Ginew Collective of indigenous women organized the peaceful march down 470th Street to tell Enbridge, the owner of the…