🦄 Police

Justin Teigen Matters: Ten Years Later

St. Paul, MN – At the age of 24, Justin Teigen took his last breath in 2009 following an encounter with Saint Paul Police Officers. Multiple narratives have tried to explain the chain of events that resulted in Teigen’s body being found at a recycling…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Tensions High as Far-Right Rally Tied To Threats Hits Portland

Portland, OR – Tensions are high in Portland as a far-right rally, whose organizers have threatened violence, is opposed by large anti-racist counter-protests. A massive police presence has saturated the downtown rally area and city officials has told people to avoid the area. Unicorn Riot…

🦄 Tech

OmniaTV, Grassroots Independent Media in Greece

Athens, Greece – Operating voluntarily and organized horizontally, the grassroots independent media collective OmniaTV, has functioned out of necessity since 2011. Striving to bring out truths misrepresented in Greek media and covering under-reported stories, OmniaTV stands out as a viable alternative non-profit media source as…

🦄 Borders & Migration

Immigrant Children Eulogized at ‘Close The Camps’ Rally

Minneapolis, MN — Seven children who have died this year in the context of USA immigration detention centers were honored at a public memorial on August 8, 2019. The public memorial was held outside the headquarters of Thrivent, a Christian financial institution accused of making…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Inside the American Identity Movement’s Southwest Chapter

Los Angeles, CA – The alt-right neo-nazi group Identity Evropa, mostly known for its role in organizing the deadly Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, recently renamed itself the American Identity Movement. While the group has been reeling from mass exposure of its members due…