🦄 Borders & Migration

Government Deadline of Greek Squat Evictions Draws Near

Athens, Greece – Greek’s right-wing government has set an ultimatum of December 5 for all squats in Greece to be vacated. The governing New Democracy party continues its targeting of housing squats and the anti-authoritarian movement as numerous raids and evictions have occurred since August.…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 6

Ep 6: #BlackLivesMatter #EzellFord #JessieHernandez #MarcusGolden #WalterScott #TamirRice #KhaliefBrowder #SkunkWater #BerkeleyPD #StopG7 #Alaska #EPAfrackingRuling #McKinney #MigrantCrisis #StopTarSands –

“Deprogram”, a live show hosted by Zo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the struggles that preside throughout different communities.


“Deprogram” episode…