🦄 Police, Racism & Far-Right, Social Control, Tech

Minneapolis Faces Facial Recognition

Minneapolis, MN – The new ordinance approved by Minneapolis City Council on February 12, limiting government use of facial recognition technology (FRT), does virtually nothing to protect people from law enforcement who are entrenched with corporations like Target, activists said.* Without including private entities in…

🦄 Police, Tech

Exclusive: State Patrol Spy Plane Over Protest (Video)

Saint Paul, MN – Footage obtained by Unicorn Riot provides a never-before-seen view of the powerful surveillance capabilities police spy planes possess. Nearly two full hours of video was released by the Minnesota State Patrol following public records requests for footage and data collected by…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Israel Lobby Group Monitors Neo-Nazis Online, But Watches Leftists Too

Sacramento, CA – The Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit closely connected to the Israeli government, is monitoring California white supremacists online and sharing the information with law enforcement agencies, according to documents obtained under the California Public Records Act.
While many groups monitor violent racist groups…