🦄 Protest & Direct Action

Denver Protesters Call for “Everybody Out!”

Denver, CO – Nearly 150 protesters marched through the streets of downtown Denver denouncing both presidential candidates on Thursday, November 5, 2020.

A popular chant throughout the evening was “No borders, no walls, no USA at all!”

The protest was advertised based on a flyer…

🦄 Social Control

Protesters Demand Elections Remain Untampered Across United States

Protests that took place across the country on November 4 were specifically demanding that the United States uphold democratic elections, but also generally demanding that the fight for social progress not waver even if Joe Biden unseats incumbent Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential election.

🦄 Racism & Far-Right
image: South Philly residents confront anti-racist community members, one of whom has a sign "Fuck Columbus." A man is gesturing at her with a bat. Above the scene is a yellow bar with date & location, Philadelphia, June 13 - 14, 2020. In the background as a composite, a crowd is gathered around the Columbus statue in Marconi Plaza in South Philly.

Columbus Statue Focal Point for South Philly Right-Wingers

Philadelphia, PA – Marconi Plaza has served as the gathering site for right-wing South Philly residents this past weekend. Members of the crowd were predominantly of Italian-American heritage, reflecting the ethnic composition and culture of some of the surrounding neighborhoods.

Two weeks ago the city…

🦄 COVID-19

Who’s Calling to ‘Liberate Minnesota’, and Why?

St. Paul, MN – In opposition to the state of Minnesota’s Stay At Home order, over five hundred people protested in front of the Governor’s Residence on Friday, April 17. The protest, called ‘Liberate Minnesota‘, was one in a slew of recent right-wing protests across…

🦄 Social Control

Far-Right Stirs Violence Against Anti-Trump Protests

Minneapolis, MN – An upcoming Trump rally announced for Thursday, October 10 at the downtown Target Center in Minneapolis has local left-leaning groups organizing counter-protests while national right-wing groups conflate their plans with false claims of terrorism. Plans to hold the GOP political rally in…