Support UR’s Upcoming RNC/DNC Convention Coverage

As election season heats up in the U.S., Unicorn Riot is gearing up to cover the upcoming 2024 RNC/DNC conventions, and we need your support to help us provide an independent voice on the ground!

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Short video about RNC / DNC Coverage on Vimeo.

Background to the Conventions and What’s Planned

With the recent felony convictions of Republican nominee Donald Trump and the non-committals by delegates to Democratic candidate Joe Biden over his handling of the war on Gaza, this year’s election is another for the history books. The conventions that lead up to the election may also be historic.

The Republican National Convention (RNC) will happen first, taking place between July 15–18 in Milwaukee, WI, followed by the Democratic National Convention (DNC) from August 19–22 in nearby Chicago, IL. As per tradition, various political organizations will organize protests at both conventions, which will be highly policed National Special Security Events.

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In an unusual twist of events, both conventions will be held only 90 miles apart. Not since 1972 when the DNC and RNC were held in the same city, have both conventions been held in such close proximity to each other.

The DNC appears headed for turbulence, as tens of thousands of protesters are expected to crash the party. The Biden administration’s continued support for Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip has angered many within the Democratic Party’s voter base. Echoing the generation-defining events of 1968, Chicago police have been observed preparing in riot gear for managing protests at the Democratic National Convention.

Though the RNC is expected to be more tame by comparison, thousands will be marching to the RNC as part of the “Coalition to March on the RNC 2024” on July 15. In preparation, the state of Wisconsin could deploy up to 4,500 law enforcement officers and National Guard, while the Secret Service will activate federal law enforcement and other military elements.

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Why Your Financial Support is Important

As independent media continues to lose funding, and legacy media tows talking points from government, having experienced reporters on the ground covering protest events is vitally important. The 2024 election will impact America’s future, and protests surrounding this event show voices of the people that we intend to cover and broadcast to the public. We recognize the critical importance of independent, fact-based and non-corporate news coverage at these events.

If you agree and want to see us there, we need your support! Please consider donating today — no matter how big or small, every bit helps.

Thank you!

See our 2016 convention coverage below:

RNC 2016 – Cleveland, OH

DNC 2016 – Philadelphia, PA

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